11:08 22.08.2023

Roadmap for preparing National Revenue Strategy already sent to IMF – MP Hetmantsev

3 min read
Roadmap for preparing National Revenue Strategy already sent to IMF – MP Hetmantsev

The Government and the Ministry of Finance, as part of fulfilling obligations under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have developed a roadmap for the preparation of the National Revenue Strategy for 2024-2030 and sent it to the fund, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Danylo Hetmantsev has said.

"The roadmap has already been sent to the IMF, and systemic regular technical missions are being carried out with the IMF to work out areas for reform," he said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

The head of the committee said that the Strategy, synchronized with the process of European integration, covers the entire period until 2030, but there are some measures that can be implemented now, before the victory in the war, and there is a part that can be implemented only in the post-war period.

"Digitalization of the tax and risk-based approach in its work is something that should be implemented and is being implemented now, without waiting for the end of hostilities," Hetmantsev said.

According to him, there are already some successes in this area: the functionality of the payer's electronic account has been significantly expanded, the tax office pre-fills the declarations of individuals, which have been used by more than 100,000 payers, a new contact center has been launched and a mobile application is ready to be launched, software is being developed for e -audit and e-excise.

Speaking about the Roadmap of the National Strategy, the head of the committee said that it provides for changes in the taxation of labor and income of individuals, the introduction of measures to combat the erosion of the tax base in accordance with the OECD recommendations, the approximation of tax legislation to EU legislation, including unification in the field of indirect taxation – excise tax and value added tax

Hetmantsev added that reforms for the environmental tax are also envisaged, that is, a focus on taxing CO2 emissions instead of taxing local emissions, as is done today.

"It is also the reform of the simplified taxation system. We would like to take as a model one of the examples of small business taxation that operates in the EU. We are now considering Poland as a model that could work in Ukraine," he said.

"We are also talking about the introduction of individual models aimed at restructuring the tax debt for individuals and small- and medium-sized businesses," the head of the committee said.

According to him, a separate large block of the National Revenue Strategy is related to tax administration. "And here we must focus on implementing a tax risk management system. That is, changes are envisaged in the organizational system of the Tax Service itself: the expansion of departments involved in analytics by narrowing those departments engaged in complete control over the implementation of their activities by payers," Hetmantsev said.

He recalled that the National Revenue Strategy itself should be in October.

The head of the committee said that he had publicly offered the so-called 10-10-10 tax reform team to join the work on the strategy to move the discussion from the plane of posts, interviews," Hetmantsev said.