20:17 02.08.2023

Deficit of general fund of Ukraine's state budget down to UAH 94.9 bln, expenditures to UAH 231.9 bln in July 2023

2 min read

The deficit of the state budget of Ukraine in July 2023 decreased to UAH 107.6 billion from UAH 135.1 billion in June, the Ministry of Finance announced on its website on Tuesday.

It clarified that the deficit in the general fund fell to UAH 94.9 billion from UAH 130.8 billion in June, slightly exceeding the May figure of UAH 91.6 billion.

The Ministry of Finance, citing data from the State Treasury, indicated that cash expenditures of the state budget in July decreased significantly - to UAH 282.6 billion from UAH 376.4 billion in June and UAH 364.7 billion in May.

In terms of the general fund, they also turned out to be noticeably less than the previous months: UAH 231.9 billion against UAH 264.7 billion and UAH 277.7 billion, respectively.

As the Ministry of Finance noted, in July 2023, revenues to the general fund of the state budget grew to UAH 136.7 billion from UAH 133.7 billion in June, but remained lower than in May and April - UAH 184 billion and UAH 162.8 billion, respectively.

At the same time, grant international assistance provided by the United States amounted to UAH 47.6 billion compared to UAH 44.4 billion in June.

In general, in January-July this year, the cash expenditures of the state budget reached UAH 2.067 trillion, including the general fund - UAH 1.640 trillion, or 93.4% of the plan against 93.5% in June and 95% in May. State budget revenues for seven months amounted to UAH 1.477 trillion, of which UAH 317.2 billion is grant international assistance, including the general fund - UAH 1.006 trillion.

In January-July, the state budget posted a deficit of UAH 583.9 billion, including the general fund - UAH 627.6 billion against the deficit of UAH 1.089 trillion planned in the general fund.