Zelenskyy signs IMF benchmark law on growth of 2023 state budget expenditures by UAH 487 bln

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law on amending the state budget for 2023 (No. 9105), which increased hits expenses by UAH 487 billion and revenues by UAH 61 billion, which led to an increase in the deficit by UAH 419 billion.
The entry into force of this law is one of the 19 structural benchmarks the IMF Extended Fund Facility for Ukraine, approved at the end of March, with a deadline for implementation until the end of April.
Now state budget revenues are set at UAH 1.390 trillion, including UAH 1.234 trillion for the general fund, while expenditures are UAH 3.076 trillion and UAH 2.783 trillion, respectively.
The ceiling of the state budget deficit is set at UAH 1.720 trillion, including the general fund - UAH 1.544 trillion. It is expected to be financed almost entirely by external borrowing of $42 billion.
On Tuesday, the Verkhovna Rada adopted law No. 8433 amending the Budget Code and the relevant legal framework to increase the transparency and accountability of donations that are accumulated on the special accounts of the National Bank, and their consolidation in the special fund of the state budget. It is also one of the 19 structural benchmarks of the IMF program with a deadline in May this year.