13:16 17.08.2022

Zelensky instructs Shmyhal, Stefanchuk to consider citizens' proposals on salaries for MPs, Cabinet members at minimum living wage

3 min read
Zelensky instructs Shmyhal, Stefanchuk to consider citizens' proposals on salaries for MPs, Cabinet members at minimum living wage

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, responding to a petition that has collected more than 25,000 signatures of citizens calling for the minimum living wage for all MPs and members of the Cabinet of Ministers, instructed Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk to consider this issue and inform about the results of such consideration.

In his response to electronic petition No. 22/143976-ep "Set the salary level for all MPs at the minimum living wage," which was published on the presidential website, Zelensky thanked "for an active civil position" all those who made relevant proposals on issues support of the army and the population of Ukraine.

As the president said, according to clause 21 of Part 1 of 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine, only the laws of Ukraine determine the status of MPs of Ukraine. Part 1 of Article 33 of the Law of Ukraine on the status of a MP of Ukraine determines that the monthly official salary of a MP is set by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Increases to the official salary of a MP established by the Verkhovna Rada are made in the amount established for members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Taking into account the specified norm of the Law of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 2240-VIII of December 7, 2017 on financial support for the activities of MPs of Ukraine, which determined, in particular, the size of official salaries of Ukraine's MP and the procedure for implementing allowances.

Zelensky also said, according to the Law of Ukraine on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the terms of remuneration for members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine are determined under the law.

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 304 on the conditions of remuneration of officials, managers and executives of certain public agencies that are not subject to the Law of Ukraine on civil service of April 20, 2016 determines the coefficients of the ratio of official salaries of members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to average monthly salary by type of economic activity per quarter on average for the economy according to available statistical data.

On April 6, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine also adopted Resolution No. 406 on amendments to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 304 of April 20, 2016, which established that a separate decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, but not earlier than January 1, 2024 to the prime minister, first deputy prime minister, deputy prime minister, ministers, their first deputies, deputies, chairman and members of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, chairs of regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations, the increase for the intensity of work is not paid.

"Considering the above, I turned to the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a request to process the proposals set out in the electronic petition and inform the author of the appeal about the results of consideration," Zelensky said.