Cabinet transfers almost 200 state objects to SPF management – Shmyhal

The Cabinet of Ministers has transferred almost 200 state property objects to the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF), which will allow starting the process of their privatization.
"There are more than 3,000 state-owned enterprises in Ukraine. No one Ukrainian government could effectively manage such a number. Therefore, our strategy is to leave about 300 objects under state control. This is the best option, which will allow the government to remain an effective owner," Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said on Facebook.
He noted that work on a government bill, which will determine the list of objects that should remain under state control, is also at the final stage. The matter concerns such state-owned companies as Naftogaz Ukrainy or Energoatom.
In addition, the prime minister noted that the Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting on August 12 approved the methodology for determining the fair price that a private enterprise can receive from concession with the state.
When adopting the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transfer of state property to the management of the State Property Fund, in order to further study the feasibility of the transfer, the following state enterprises were excluded from the list: Powder Metallurgy Plant, the Ukrainian State Research and Design Institute of Nitrogen Industry and Organic Synthesis Products, Donetsk State Research and Design Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Ecotransenergo, and Kryvbasproekt.