13:39 09.01.2020

Amicable agreement between Ukraine, Gazprom regarding anti-trust agency's fine foresees no return of assets to Russian company – Naftogaz official

2 min read
Amicable agreement between Ukraine, Gazprom regarding anti-trust agency's fine foresees no return of assets to Russian company – Naftogaz official

The amicable agreement signed by Ukraine and Russia's Gazprom late December 2019 does not foresee the return of assets seized earlier under the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to the Russian company, Executive Officer of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy Yuriy Vitrenko has said.

"Within the framework of this settlement, Gazprom refused this compensation [in a lawsuit filed with the international tribunal for seized property]. It agreed that the value of its assets seized in Ukraine will never be returned and compensated. This story came to a close," he said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

As reported, the Antimonopoly Committee in January 2016 decided to fine Gazprom UAH 85.966 billion for abuse of its monopoly of the Ukrainian market for transit shipments of natural gas. On April 21, 2017, Ukraine's Justice Ministry initiated the execution of the ruling to collect the fine, a penalty, execution and court fees via freezing of assets of Gazprom in Ukraine. Gazprom's efforts to challenge these steps were a failure.

On October 25, 2018, Gazprom, in accordance with UNCITRAL arbitration rules, has initiated an arbitration settlement against Ukraine with the goal of safeguarding its interest on its territory in connection with Ukraine, in the form of the Antimonopoly Committee, has groundlessly and unjustly levied a fine against Gazprom amounting to more than $6 billion (including penalties) for supposedly abusing its monopoly position on the Ukrainian gas transit market.

The dispute of Gazprom with Ukraine on a $6 billion fine imposed by Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine was to be heard in Geneva.

At the end of December 2019, Gazprom and Ukraine's Justice Ministry concluded an irrevocable amicable agreement, which envisages termination of any current and possible future claims of Ukraine v. Gazprom based on the decision of the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee, which obliged the Russian side to pay a $7.4 billion fine.