14:05 25.09.2019

Launch of renewable energy facilities grows six times in Q3 2019

1 min read
Launch of renewable energy facilities grows six times in Q3 2019

The capacity of renewable energy facilities launched in July-September 2019 was 956 MW, which is six times more than a year ago, according to a presentation of the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER).

Thus, the capacity of solar power plants launched in the third quarter amounted to 779.6 MW (five times more than a year earlier), and wind farms – 155.2 MW (22 times more). Thus, the share of solar power plants of the total structure of the launched capacities was 97.8%. Biomass volume was 16 MW (1.7%), biogas – 4.1 MW (0.43%).

During the reporting period, the regulator set a feed-in tariff for 107 renewable energy facilities. In particular, for 94 solar power plants, six wind farms, as well as four small hydroelectric power plants and three facilities operating on biomass or biogas.

According to the commission, the share of renewable energy facilities of the total generation structure is currently 4.9%.

The total installed alternative capacity is 4.591 GW.

As reported, in April-June 2019, Ukraine introduced 656 MW of renewable energy capacities, which was six times more than in the same period last year.