11:59 18.06.2019

KSG Agro plans to boost pig numbers by 50%, launch new sow house in 2019

2 min read
KSG Agro plans to boost pig numbers by 50%, launch new sow house in 2019

KSG Agro plans to increase pig numbers by 50% in 2019, according to a company report on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

"We want to double the number of pigs by 50% – from the existing 60,000 at the fattening stage to about 100,000 heads. This is a level that is safe in terms of availability of feed," KSG Agro CEO Andriy Skorokhod said.

The Ukrainian holding also plans to set up an enterprise for the selection of sows with a capacity of 2,000 heads with a group of investors at the first stage (a total of three stages of the project are planned).

"Negotiations with partners continue, the project will involve the Danish fund and the Ukrainian retail chain, and we intend to cover 30% of the project's shares. We plan to sell sows not only to the Ukrainian market, but also to foreign markets, and we have some experience in selling to China and Georgia," Skorokhod said.

According to him, a fall in the number of pigs in the world, in particular because of the ASF, contributes to the plans of the agricultural holding. More detailed information will become known in a few months.

KSG Аgro is a vertically integrated agricultural group, working in almost all the segments of the agricultural market, including the production, storage, processing, and sale of agricultural products.