14:40 12.10.2018

Nibulon to invest $19 mln in river terminal in Zaporizhia region

1 min read
Nibulon to invest $19 mln in river terminal in Zaporizhia region

Nibulon will invest $19 million in construction of a river transshipment terminal in Ternivka (Zaporizhia region).

According to a posting on the company's website, the launch of the terminal is scheduled for June 2019.

Along with the terminal, the project envisages construction of a berth of over 3 km long and dredging works on the Ploska Osokorivka River.

The company said that the terminal will hire 120 employees and will pay over UAH 2.7 million of taxes to the local budget a year.

The terminal will be third for the company in Zaporizhia region.

Nibulon was established in 1991. It is one of the largest operators in the grain market of the country. Nibulon cultivates 83,000 hectares. It exports agricultural products to more than 60 countries of the world. The annual export volume exceeds 4.5 million tonnes.