ILO, Denmark and Social Policy Ministry launch project to improve management of labor market in Ukraine

The International Labor Organization (ILO), with the support of the Government of Denmark and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, is launching a five-year project to improve the management of the labor market titled "Inclusive labor market for jobs in Ukraine."
"The Foreign Ministry of Denmark is very pleased to provide support within the framework of this project," Ambassador of Denmark to Ukraine Ruben Madsen said during the presentation of the project in Kyiv on Tuesday.
He stressed that Denmark has a lot of experience in the field of labor market reform and development.
"The project is aimed at changing the lives of Ukrainians, particularly young people, who are now difficult to access the labor market," ILO Regional Director Heinz Koller added.
According to him, one of the components of the program will be the reform of employment services and the support of organizations of employers and trade unions.
The project is being launched in Ukraine to improve the management of the labor market, reduce the lack of professional skills in the labor market, promote entrepreneurship, and improve the social dialogue and institutional capacities of the social partners.
Within the framework of the project, the ILO expects to support four regions of Ukraine through the concept of local employment partnerships, modernize three curricula of vocational education, create five new services for four regional offices of the State Employment Service, train seven main and 75 local trainers under the ILO program dubbed "Start and improve your business", provide training for 4,500 people in business courses, improve institutional capacities of social partners for more fruitful social dialogue, provide training for 240 people to collective bargaining techniques and create five platforms for conducting and negotiating collective bargaining at the sectoral level.
It is noted that carrying out such activities will contribute to achieving the goal of sustainable development of the country (decent work and economic growth) and is consistent with the instruments and policies of the European Neighborhood.