12:48 21.08.2017

Ukravtodor intends to check quality of road works twice a year

1 min read
Ukravtodor intends to check quality of road works twice a year

The State Automobile Roads Agency, also known as Ukravtodor, intends to check quality of road works and reveal defects of these works twice a year, Ukravtodor Head Slawomir Nowak has said.

"Ukravtodor and personally I pay special attention to the quality of works. We have drawn up a new concept for quality supervision, provided for financing, carried out the check for 2016 and revealed defects. Our approach is that we will monitor the implementation of the works for the previous year every year early March and late June and determine what contractors are to liquidate these defects," he said at a government meeting in Kyiv on Friday, August 18.

He said that the first check allowed removing many defects on roads.

"We have drawn up a bill making amendments in the repair and construction works quality supervision area. We are ready to submit it [to the government] for approval," Nowak said.

He said that the document suggests granting Ukravtodor with the right to monitor the quality of work, including by attracting specialized agencies; stop works in a critical situation, as well as create a list of unscrupulous contractors.