09:45 19.06.2017

Consumer confidence of Ukrainian in May 2017 back to summer 2014 level

2 min read
Consumer confidence of Ukrainian in May 2017 back to summer 2014 level

The consumer confidence index in Ukraine grew by 3.2 points in May 2017, to 58. It is the highest since July 2014, GfK Ukraine reported last week.

"In May 2017, Index of Current Personal Financial Standing, Index of Expected Changes in Personal Financial Standing and Index of Economic Expectations reached their maximum indicators over the past two years," the company said.

While Index of Expectations of Changes in Unemployment fell by 6.7 points, and reached its minimum level in the past two years – 135.7.

"This result indicates, that in citizens’ perception, the situation in the economy is improving and the crisis peak passed," GfK Ukraine said.

According to the study, Index of Expectations of the Country’s Economic Development Over the Next Year increased by 10.8 points and equals 56.1.

Meanwhile, Index of Inflationary Expectations reached 181.1, which is 2.8 points lower than in April.

Index of the Current Situation (ICS) increased by 1 point to the level of 51.2. The components of this index have changed as follows: Index of Current Personal Financial Standing equaled 47.7, which is 4.7 points higher than the indicator in April; and Index of Propensity to Consume decreased by 2.7 points reached the indicator of 54.7

The expectations of Ukrainians regarding the hryvnia’s exchange rate in the coming three months rather worsened: Index of Devaluation Expectations increased by 2.6 points and reached the level of 142.7.

GfK Ukraine has been performing selective household surveys to determine consumer sentiment in Ukraine since 2000. During the survey the company polled 1,000 people at the age of over 16 years.