11:16 17.02.2017

Ukrainian bank sector could see profit in 2017 - NBU

2 min read
Ukrainian bank sector could see profit in 2017 - NBU

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in 2017 expects that the banking sector would see profit, not taking into account PrivatBank, the NBU has reported on its website.

The key factors that influence this in 2017 will be the reduction of sending to reserves and active growth of interest income thanks to the increase in crediting the real economic sector.

The regulator said that in 2016 the highest loss of the banking sector was seen – UAH 159.4 billion. This was linked to the fact that PrivatBank declared UAH 135.3 billion of loss.

The NBU also said that sending funds to reserves for the rest of the banks in 2016 considerably fell compared to the previous year. Their total loss decreased by 64.3%, to UAH 24 billion from UAH 66.9 billion in 2015. The group of state-run banks cut their loss by UAH 21.5 billion in 2016.

The regulator said that among other positive trends for the entire banking system was growth of net interest income by 15% thanks to growth of interest income by UAH 4.6 billion along with the decrease in interest spending by UAH 1.2 billion. Last year 12% growth of net commission fee was seen thanks to restoration of demand on banking services and the increase of tariffs.

In 2016, 63 out of 96 solvent banks as of January 1, 2017 saw profit of UAH 10.8 billion and 33 banks saw loss of UAH 170.2 billion.