Rada allocates extra UAH 150 mln for cyber security

The Verkhovna Rada has decided to increase the cost of the development, modernization and the functioning of the cyber security system in Ukraine, foreseen by the budget for 2017, by UAH 150 million.
According to the conclusion of the parliamentary budgetary committee to the draft law dated December 21 posted on the parliament's website, an additional UAH 7 million will be allocated from the general fund of the budget to ensure the functioning of the state system of special communication and protection of information. An additional UAH 143 million will be issued of the development and modernization of the state system of special communication and information protection.
According to the appendix to the draft national budget dated September 15, it is planned next year to allocate UAH 911 million from the general fund of the budget and UAH 12 million from the special fund of the budget for the functioning of the state system of special communication and information protection. It is also planned to allocate UAH 256 million from the general fund of the budget for the development and modernization of the state system of special communication and information protection.
On December 14 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov said about a week ago an active phase of large-scale cyber attacks on the information resources of government agencies, critical infrastructure objects and private sector institutions had started.