14:43 17.12.2016

Ukrainian emergency response groups receive 25 equipment units from China

1 min read
Ukrainian emergency response groups receive 25 equipment units from China

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine has received engineer equipment and vehicles from the Chinese government under a technical assistance project.

"We thank you for the technical assistance project (CNY 50 million) in the form of specialized equipment from the Chinese government to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine," Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page on Friday.

He said that under the intergovernmental agreement between China and Ukraine on the provision of rescue equipment to the State Emergency Service Ukrainian response groups accepted 25 equipment units and vehicles, 32 special equipment kits and spare parts worth CNY 50 million (over UAH 185 million).

Avakov said that the equipment and vehicles are intended to use in manmade and natural disaster emergency response and recovery.

"This is only one of the projects we are developing with China. We are working perfectly with Ambassador [to Ukraine] Du Wei and have several projects under implementation. We would soon present their results," the minister said.