15:49 12.12.2016

Russia's share of Ukraine's foreign trade during aggression down to 8%

1 min read
Russia's share of Ukraine's foreign trade during aggression down to 8%

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said Russia's share of Ukraine's total balance of foreign trade during Russian aggression has reduced to 8%.

"We were declared not only a war of aggression, a war of in the form of annexation of Crimea, we were declared an economic blockade and all Ukrainian producers were absolutely illegally deprived of the market in violation of WTO rules, the Russian market was closed without any explanation. [Earlier the share of Russia was 36%], and you know what is Russia's share in the total balance of Ukraine's foreign trade today - 8%" Poroshenko said, when opening the Ukrainian-Lithuanian business forum in Kyiv.

In addition, he noted Russia tried to block transit transportation to Kazakhstan, China and Central Asian countries for Ukraine, and Kyiv had to seek ways bypassing Russia.

"And we have survived, moreover, ensured economic growth under these conditions," he said.

Poroshenko stated the EU now leads in trade with Ukraine.

"What place does now the EU rank? The absolute first place - more than 45%," Poroshenko said, noting he considers this figure insufficient.