Klimkin declares EUR 47,000 and $41,000 in cash, UAH 650,000 for building house in Kozyn

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin has filed an electronic declaration, which states EUR 47,000 and $41,000 in cash, as well as the costs for building a house in the village of Kozyn (Obukhiv district, Kyiv region) for UAH 650,000 in 2015.
Klimkin declared costs for a garden house of 192 square meters in Kozyn, whose owner is Nina Havrylivna Mykhailenko and which is fully or partially constructed from materials or at the expense of the declaration subject or his family member. Some UAH 650,000 was spent on the objects last year.
The minister declared UAH 611,103 of income, including wages of UAH 74,797, income from alienation of movable property - UAH 536,305.
According to the declaration, the minister's wife, Maryna Mykhailenko, declared EUR 45,000 and $60,000 of cash.
Mykhailenko also declared income of UAH 369,128, including UAH 154,128 of her wage in the administration of state affairs, UAH 215,000 of income from alienation of movable property.
According to the document, Klimkin does not own or rent real estate, while his wife has an apartment of 68.2 square meters in Kyiv and a land plot of 973 square meters, and one-third of an apartment in Kyiv with a total area of 90.4 square meters.