Ukraine needs large information transparency for attracting investment

Ukrainian authorities should be more active and transparent in providing information for attracting investment in light of the favorable situation on capital markets, the participants of the Ukrainian Financial Forum organized by ICU in Odesa on September 29 and September 30.
"The foreign situation is the following: several trillions of U.S. dollars of the sovereign debt are traded with negative yield on the debt market. What does it mean? It means there is a lot of capital on the market and investors are ready to invest in Ukraine, thanks to attractive rates. The question is if Ukraine is able to attract this capital," Vladimir Osakovskiy, Russia, CIS Economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said.
He said that the answer on this question depends on the country's readiness to continue reforms.
"If structural reforms continue, the situation with the attraction of the capital would take shape itself," he said.
The expert said that the country should more actively inform (potential investors) about the achieved success.
"A lot has been done and the market reacted by increasing quotations of Ukrainian securities. Many investors do not know what is going on here and what has been done. A more active dialog with investors is required," Osakovsky said.
He said that it is important to seen more active cooperation between the Ukrainian central depository and main global depositories to expand access of global capital to domestic sovereign debt bonds.
"The yield on the domestic market is attractive," the expert said.
Serhiy Yahnych, Head of Corporate Finance, Ukrsibbank, BNP Paribas, said it is necessary to conduct an active information policy.
"Ukraine needs to be more transparent from the point of information. Investment would come to Ukraine anyway, and the question is only if it happens now when low rates for capital are seen in the world, or in another period," he said.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative Jerome Vacher said that along with reforms and active dialog with investors, the effective trigger of investment to Ukraine could be transparent privatization. This would attract attention of not only investors who wanted to take part in the privatization, but all other investors to Ukraine, he said.
Andrey Pavlichenkov, CEO, Nordwand Capital, again focused on the necessity of continuing reforms.
"The debt securities market still has large risks in the marcroeconomic situation. Ukraine restructured the major part of its debt, it still has large debt-GDP ratio. This is a risk for the market, and Ukraine must more quickly restore GDP to reduce it," he said.
The expert said that reforms to strengthen the banking system should continue, including the revision of the bankruptcy procedure. This would help to cut non-performing loans in the banks' portfolios, he said. Structural reforms with the judicial reform as the key one must be introduced.