Online e-declaration for identifying false information about property of officials launched

The non-government lustration committee has released an on-line form with information that may expose untruthful information about declared property of officials.
"Ukrainian citizens, civil society activists and journalists may check the verity of declarations filed in order to hold to account those officials, who have not declared property or are unable to explain where it came from," head of the NGO "Public Lustration Committee" Oleksandra Drik said during a presentation in Kyiv on Friday.
Drik said that the on-line form of information may be filled out by any citizen wishing to inform about or bear witness to false information declared by officials.
He said that the system is well protected and guarantees that information filed by citizens about false declarations will not fall into the hands of others.
"Our servers are based in America. They are protected. We did not receive certification from the (Ukrainian) State Committee of Communications, but, nevertheless, the system is protected. You have no need to worry that the information provided will fall into the hands of others," Drik said.
Drik said that the official e-declaration system was official launched on September 1.
"As of now, no declarations have been published, unfortunately, and this raises very many questions, which allow us to say that the system has been – and will continue to be – sabotaged," she said.
"We also understand the risks arising in connection with the functioning of the system of e-declaration after parliament starts work. We know that attacks are planned on anti-corruption legislation. We will continue to defend the system of electronic declarations in order for it to yield the result that it must, because it is so important for citizens to be able to check these declarations," she said.