Ukraine's government to extend embargo to over 70 Russian goods on Wed

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has announced that the Ukrainian government will decide on Wednesday on the extension of the embargo imposed on some Russian commodities as of January 10 to more than 70 types of other commodities originating from Russia.
"Today more than 70 types of commodities originating from Russia will be added to the original list of the Russian-made goods subject to Ukraine's embargo," he said at a Cabinet meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday.
"These are our measures to counter Russian aggression, and we will continue to protect our domestic market," he said.
As was reported, the Ukrainian government enforced an embargo on some products from Russia on January 10 until at least August 5, 2016, in response to a ban on the shipments of Ukrainian foods to Russia as of January 1, 2016. This is stipulated in Ukrainian Cabinet resolution No. 1147 dated December 30, 2015.
Embargoed are imports of certain Russian foods, namely meat, fish, a number of dairy products, all kinds of processed cheese, coffee, tea, food mixtures, pastry, rolls and breads, baby foods, pastas, sauces; taste improvers and spices, beer, ethyl alcohol, vodka, dog food, and filtered cigarettes.
Banned are also potassium chloride containing a portion of potassium, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemicals to prevent sprouting and plant growth regulators, rodenticides, synthetic coatings for sausage-like products, equipment for railways or tramway tracks, and diesel-electric locomotives.