Ukraine could resort to Stockholm arbitration to unblock interconnections with Europe - Naftogaz

Ukraine could resort to the mechanisms of the Stockholm Arbitration Chamber to make Gazprom unblock interconnectors between Ukraine and the European Union, Chairman of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy Andriy Kobolev has said.
"The first way is negotiations, the second one is the Stockholm arbitration and, potentially, there is another way through an antitrust investigation, which is now carried out in respect of Gazprom in Europe," he said at the Central European Energy Conference in Bratislava (Slovakia).
Kobolev said that the main problem is Gazprom's failure to provide shipper code pairs necessary for the organization of a "virtual reverse" between Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania on one end and Ukraine on the other.
According to Naftogaz, by July 2017 "virtual" gas supplies via interconnectors with Poland will total 4 billion cubic meters per year, Hungary - 6 billion cubic meters/year, Romania - 16 billion cubic meters/year, and Slovakia - 39 billion cubic meters/year.