14:00 04.06.2015

Famous international consulting company to draw up relaxed access to subsidies by Sept - Poroshenko

1 min read
Famous international consulting company to draw up relaxed access to subsidies by Sept - Poroshenko

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said he supports the improvement of the subsidy system for Ukrainians.

"We [will] attract one of the most famous international consulting companies which by September will considerably relax the mechanism for having access to subsidies with the purpose of improving the subsidies system and bringing it in line with best global standards and practices. They are to be automatic," Poroshenko said while addressing the parliament in his annual speech on Thursday.

He added that the tariff formation system will be checked by several of the most prestigious international auditors.

"I call for politicians not to hold discussion at shows, but join the work of these companies with concrete offers on the check of the rules of forming the tariffs," Poroshenko said.