12:27 26.05.2015

Average price of imported gas in Q1 2015 falls to $315 per 1,000 cubic meters – Naftogaz

1 min read
Average price of imported gas in Q1 2015 falls to $315 per 1,000 cubic meters – Naftogaz

The average price of gas imported by national joint-stock company Naftogaz Ukrainy from all directions (Europe and Russia), taking into account transportation to the Ukrainian border, totaled $315 per 1,000 cubic meters in Q1 2015, which is 12.5% down on Q4 2014 ($360), Naftogaz Ukrainy said in a press release.

Naftogaz Ukrainy announced the publication of quarterly reports on the prices and volumes of imported gas.

The press service said that its information is based on the actual expenses of Naftogaz Ukrainy on purchase gas confirmed by acts and customs declarations submitted to Ukrainian state agencies.

"The company will publish this information every quarter at the end of the month followed by the quarter under report. The decision was made in response to the requirement of civil society to increase transparency of Naftogaz Ukrainy's transactions on imports of gas to Ukraine," reads the report.

Naftogaz Ukrainy said that information on average purchase prices of gas is presented in the aggregated form to fulfill the company’s liabilities regarding confidentiality and to retain Naftogaz's position in negotiations with European suppliers.