12:55 16.02.2024

OTP Bank plans to become hub for distribution of international grants to support business - V. Mudryi

3 min read

OTP Bank intends to become a hub for the distribution of grants from international financial partners and access to preferential lending programs for business. This was stated by Volodymyr Mudryi, Chairman of the Board of OTP Bank, at the conference "Finance for Business in Time of War" organized by the European Business Association and the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine with the support of international donors - the USAID Project "Investing for Business Resilience" and the IFC Project "Asset Based Finance", implemented in partnership with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO).

"OTP Bank plans to become a hub for international grants for business, remaining a reliable partner for international financial institutions that play a crucial role in the resumption of lending. USAID, IFC, and EBRD have enormous capabilities and significant capacity. And we need to tell entrepreneurs about this as much as possible," said Mr. Mudryi.

During the conference, V. Mudry called on the banking sector, international partners and the state to engage in an active dialogue on the implementation of joint projects to revive lending.
"If you look at the statistics, since July 2023, the loan portfolio of banks has been constantly growing. But we also know that a huge part of this growth is provided by government programs of subsidized loans "5-7-9%," the banker emphasized.

In his opinion, the macro stability ensured by the NBU, the predictability of the exchange rate, inflation, GDP growth and bank liquidity encourage us to move to a new stage of cooperation for the development of the economy. "Our goal is to work out new approaches to further development of lending, financing and co-financing of entrepreneurs. And we cannot do it without direct dialog with business," summarized V. Mudryi.

As a reminder, OTP Bank is already implementing a number of projects with international organizations. In particular, a grant program with the U.S. Agency for International Development USAID, under which it provides targeted financing to small and medium-sized businesses to replenish working capital. It also offers investment loans to SMEs with a possibility of reimbursement of up to 20% of the funds received under the program with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). OTP Bank cooperates with the International Finance Corporation IFC under the Risk Sharing Program agreement to provide financial support to enterprises in key sectors of the Ukrainian economy, especially in the agricultural sector and women-owned businesses.