13:25 04.07.2018

Illia Kyva: Poroshenko demands to deprive 1+1 TV channel of license

2 min read

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is putting pressure on the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting seeking to deprive the 1+1 TV channel of its license, Head of the Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU) Illia Kyva has written on his Facebook page, informing the party's press service on the official website of the SPU.

"According to my information, today the President set a target of depriving the largest television channel of our country - 1+1 - of its license at any cost. He clearly follows the Putin scenario and is trying to take control of the information space of Ukraine," the leader of the Socialist Party said.

Kyva said that the SPU will do its utmost to prevent the implementation of this scenario.

"Poroshenko's dictatorship is the elimination of unwanted media! We will not allow him to destroy our state and will be the guardians of freedom of speech! We say "No" to the dictator Poroshenko!" he wrote.

At the moment, the Socialist Party of Ukraine is conducting the "Ukraine without Poroshenko!" indefinite campaign. Its purpose is to remove from power the incumbent President of the country and prosecute him for crimes against Ukraine.

Earlier, Deputy Chairperson of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting Olha Herasymiuk announced her resignation from this post. The reason for the resignation was her outrage at the lack of transparency in the decision-making by the council, as well as possible repressions of some media with the pro-Ukrainian position.