ARMA predicts UAH 8-10 bln in revenues from management and sale of seized assets in 2024

The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) forecasts UAH 8-10 billion of revenue to the state budget from the management of seized assets and their sale in Ukraine and abroad during this year, ARMA Chairman Olena Duma said at the presentation of the annual report about the agency's activities.
In particular, ARMA plans to attract a billion or more hryvnias from the management of seized assets, their sale in Ukraine, as well as by increasing the portfolio of military bonds of government war bonds.
At the same time, ARMA expects revenues of UAH 5 billion or more from the sale of seized assets abroad.
According to published data, in 2023, revenues to the state budget from ARMA amounted to UAH 191 million, of which UAH 101.3 million came from asset management (in 2022 - UAH 34.79 million), and UAH 89.7 million came from other income, including from the sale of assets (no revenues in 2022).