18:16 25.08.2023

Working group on developing strategy for transitional legislation for de-occupied territories established within Reintegration Ministry

1 min read

A working group has been established within the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories to develop a strategy for transitional legislation for the de-occupied territories.

"Recently, the National Information Bureau hosted a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereschuk with the participation of representatives of public organizations. It was devoted to the legal regime in the territories that will be de-occupied. The participants agreed that issues of transitional justice need a comprehensive approach and changes in many normative acts," the ministry's press service said in a statement.

It is noted that for this purpose a working group has been created to develop a strategy, on the basis of which ministries and departments will develop profile bills to amend legislation.

In particular, we are talking about such components as the transition period, the convalidation of transactions, acts of civil status and court decisions that took place in the occupied territories, lustration, amnesty and other issues of transitional justice.