19:27 28.07.2023

Comprehensive restoration of Borodianka, Posad-Pokrovske to start in Aug

3 min read
Comprehensive restoration of Borodianka, Posad-Pokrovske to start in Aug

The State Restoration Agency will start implementing pilot projects for the comprehensive restoration of Posad-Pokrovske (Kherson region) and Borodianka (Kyiv region) in August, Yahidne (Chernihiv region) - in September, head of the State Agency Mustafa Nayyem said.

As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers identified six settlements in five regions for a pilot project for a comprehensive restoration according to new principles - Borodianka and Moschun in Kyiv region, Trostianets in Sumy region, Posad-Pokrovske in Kherson region, Tsirkuny in Kharkiv region and Yahodne in Chernihiv region.

"In Posad-Pokrovske, which is on the border of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, it is necessary to restore almost everything. Private buildings - about a thousand. At the first stage, we are laying the foundation for the restoration of 120 of them, for which there is already funding and tenders will be announced in the near future," Nayyem said during a meeting with representatives of the industry at the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine on Friday.

The function of the customer for the restoration of private buildings has already been transferred to the State Agency, the estimated budget for houses of 70-140 square meters is UAH 2-4 million. Tenders will be announced for lots of 20-30 houses.

Municipal facilities will also be restored - a community center, a kindergarten-lyceum, a security center, engineering networks, a street and road network.

According to Nayyem, the total budget for the first stage of the restoration of Posad-Pokrovske is UAH 3.1 billion.

In Borodianka, 38 objects have been prepared for tenders, of which 29 are multi-apartment residential buildings, five administrative buildings, two educational institutions, a hostel and a palace of culture.

"The average cost of an object here is higher, from UAH 100 million for overhaul to UAH 300 million for new construction. The start of implementation is August, some of the tenders have already been announced, for some we will most likely revise the terms," Nayyem said.

The projects announced in Borodianka will receive funding of UAH 4.7 billion.

The comprehensive restoration of Yahidne in Chernihiv region will begin in September, the budget for the restoration of 122 objects is UAH 404 million.

The project provides for the overhaul of 118 residential buildings, including 101 private and 17 multi-storey buildings. The average cost of overhaul of private houses is about UAH 1 million, and multi-storey houses - UAH 3.5 million. Plus, the implementation of two municipal projects - the creation of a memorial and a club. According to Nayyem, an architectural competition will be announced for the memorial in the near future. There is already a project for the club, project documentation is being prepared and a tender will be announced in the near future.