13:58 12.07.2023

Zelenskyy: Guarantees from G7 countries can become umbrella of security for Ukraine

1 min read
Zelenskyy: Guarantees from G7 countries can become umbrella of security for Ukraine

The provision of security guarantees to Ukraine by the G7 can become an "umbrella of security" for Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at a press conference in Vilnius on Wednesday.

"These are not additional guarantees. We have no real security guarantees from our partners - I mean, legal ones. We have actual security guarantees: financial, sanctions, and it really helps defense," he said.

"It is very important that this may become the first legal document which symbolizes that we have such an umbrella, a security umbrella, and only then Ukraine will have documents on bilateral relations with each of the security guarantor states," the president said.

According to him. "there [in the document] will be, in principle, all those things that we have today, or those things that we lack - like air defense, aircraft, aviation. These things, they will definitely be on a bilateral level."

"This document makes it possible, in addition to the G7 countries, to join. Today we have already started talking with some partners who are our friends, but who are not in the G7. It seems to me that this is a new stage, very important," Zelenskyy said.