19:10 23.01.2023

Farmak intends to defend intellectual property right for Corvalolum in intl courts

2 min read
Farmak intends to defend intellectual property right for Corvalolum in intl courts

JSC Farmak (Kyiv) will defend the intellectual property rights for Corvalolum in international courts.

The company stated this when commenting on the decision of the Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court of January 18 on the cassation appeal of Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa, which overturned the decision of the Appeal Chamber of the Ministry of Economic Development to recognize the well-known designation Corvalol Corvalolum for JSC Farmak.

At the same time, Farmak recalls that in June 2022, the Northern Economic Court of Appeal completely denied the claim of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Firm in this case.

"Today it is too early to put an end to the long-term litigation regarding the well-known designation Corvalol Corvalolum – the longest in the history of Ukrainian legal proceedings. According to Farmak, the decision of the Supreme Court in this case has all the signs of bias and is not based on an objective assessment of all the evidence," the company said in a statement.

Farmak notes that "such a decision should be a signal to both Ukrainian and foreign businesses that judicial reform in Ukraine has not been implemented, and the rule of law does not protect intellectual property. Thus, everyone can be deprived of the right by the decision of the Ukrainian court."

"JSC Farmak will continue to protect its intellectual property rights to the well-known designation Corvalolum Corvalolum using all national and international remedies, including in the European Court of Human Rights," the company stressed.

As reported, the leaders of the domestic pharmaceutical market - Farmak and Darnitsa are litigating for the right to use the trademark Corvalol.

In July 2017, the Appeal Chamber of the Ministry of Economy recognized the Corvalolum Corvalolum trademark owned by Farmak as well-known in Ukraine.