URCS aid 'Samsung Electronics Ukraine' worth $6 mln

Samsung Electronics Ukraine provided the Ukrainian Red Cross Society with $6 million in assistance for vulnerable segments of the population.
According to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) statement on its Facebook page, these funds, in particular, purchased almost 32,200 units of medical supplies (materials for operations, X-ray systems, anesthesia and respiratory devices, ultrasound, incubators for newborns, children's beds), basic necessities (some 77,400 food packages and some 6,800 food voucher packages).
In addition, about 1,000 social and health institutions are provided with 3,367 pieces of equipment: washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, and medical freezers.
As part of the government social housing program, URCS, with the support of Samsung, equipped apartments for temporarily displaced persons with necessary household appliances, who were also provided with dishes and bed linen.