13:22 02.05.2022

Ukraine to create integrated radiation monitoring network compatible with EU platform by late 2024

2 min read
Ukraine to create integrated radiation monitoring network compatible with EU platform by late 2024

The Cabinet of Ministers has published Resolution No. 323-r dated April 29, 2022 on approval of the strategy for an integrated automated radiation monitoring network for the period up to 2024.

"With the implementation of the strategy, it is planned to create an integrated automated radiation monitoring network that will function correctly and be compatible with the EU radiological data exchange platform," the government said in the document.

As follows from it, the creation of such a network will make it possible to detect radiation pollution and threats of transboundary transfer of radioactive substances in real time.

"The implementation of the strategy will contribute to the introduction of a modern tool for monitoring the radiation situation on the territory of Ukraine, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making on ensuring the protection of people in view of a radiation exposure threat, in particular, in the case of transboundary transfer of radioactive substances.

At the same time, by the end of 2022, it is planned to determine the circle of entities that will collect, process and transmit radiological information, as well as develop the regulatory legal acts necessary to build the integrated automated radiation monitoring network.

Organizational support and monitoring of the implementation of the strategy, as well as coordination of the subjects of monitoring, is executed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.