Cabinet decides on extra mechanism for providing housing for IDPs

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision on an additional mechanism for providing housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs).
"The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision that expands the mechanisms for providing housing for our citizens who, as a result of Russia's armed aggression, were forced to move from dangerous regions to other regions of Ukraine," the press service of the Ministry for the Development of Communities and Territories said.
In particular, the government adopted a resolution "Some measures for the formation of housing funds designed for temporary residence of IDPs," which approved the procedures for the formation of housing funds for temporary residence, accounting and provision of such housing for temporary residence of IDPs and the purchase, construction of housing for temporary residence of IDPs.
It is noted that such housing will be built in the regions of Ukraine where there are no military operations on standard housing construction projects using modern rapid construction technologies.
"Funding of these measures can be carried out at the expense of national funds, the charter capital of the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction, local budgets, international donors, voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities, and other sources not prohibited by law," the ministry said.