Enemies abduct 11 mayors, eight other officials of municipalities since Feb 24 – Klitschko

Since February 24, the Russian occupiers has kidnapped 11 mayors and eight other officials of municipalities, which endangers all residents of the communities, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has said.
"Friends! The orcs are again kidnapping the leaders of the Ukrainian communities. Now they have kidnapped head of Beryslav Oleksandr Shapovalov and head of Hola Prystan Oleksandr Babych. The horde continues to commit atrocities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Killing, kidnapping and torturing civilians, this is what the Russian aggressor, who came to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians, is doing," he wrote in his Telegram channel.
He said that during the war, since February 24, the invaders kidnapped 11 mayors and eight other municipal officials.
"I emphasize that the abduction of rural, settlement and city heads, especially in wartime, endangers all residents of the communities. After all, all critical management, life support, and the adoption of important decisions on which the fate of the inhabitants of the community depends, rests on his head," Klitschko said.
Thus, Klitschko appealed to partners, international organizations, mayors of municipalities in Europe to make efforts, apply all possible mechanisms and pressure to help Ukraine overcome the Russian invasion as quickly as possible.
"For every day of the war is the suffering and death of Ukrainians, these are the destroyed villages and cities of our state. I will emphasize once again: Ukraine today is fighting not only for its land and freedom, but is also an outpost of freedom and peace throughout Europe," the mayor said.