Ukrainian air defense shot down three helicopters of invaders on Sat – Air Force Command

On Saturday, March 19, Ukrainian air defense destroyed three helicopters of Russian invaders, the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reported.
"On Saturday, March 19, the enemy significantly reduced its presence in the Ukrainian sky. Therefore, unfortunately, air defense shot down only three Russian fascist helicopters today. So the daily plan for the disposal of air Russians has not been fulfilled!" the Air Force Command said on Saturday night.
According to the report, the Air Force is waiting for modern air defense systems and fighters from the allies.
"Currently, the Air Force is successfully beating the invaders with weapons of the 1980s, and the Russians are using the latest weapons against us – hypersonic missiles and aircraft, significantly superior to ours, both in number and in combat characteristics," the Air Force Command said.
The Command added that the situation may change "when modern equipment from partners comes into service and we close the sky from the Russian terrorists."