Number of users of Diia app exceeds 13 mln Ukrainians, 72 state services available online - Fedorov

The number of Diia application users has exceeded 13 million and continues to grow rapidly, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said.
"We have just passed the mark of 13 million unique Diia users. In 2021 we have grown more than five times. Now the daily growth of new users is plus 50,000-70,000. This is an insane growth rate even for any technology business," the minister wrote on his telegram channel on Sunday evening.
According to Fedorov, Ukrainians use COVID certificates, driver's licenses, and pay taxes through the application. In total, the application contains 15 documents and nine services. He added that Diia is accepted by more than 1,800 organizations throughout the country.
"For Ukrainians, Diia is a way of communicating with the state in a few clicks, an example of healthy communication between a person and the state. For me, as a manager, Diia is an opportunity to create a project that will definitely go down in the history of Ukraine," Fedorov wrote.
The minister stressed that 12 million Ukrainians also use the Diia portal. "Some 72 public services online in different areas are already available for everyone," he said.
"In December, we launched the most massive service in the history of Ukraine, ePidtrymka, in Diia. Our team has developed the technical part of the president’s initiative. So that you can get UAH 1,000 in a few clicks and spend it on books, cinema, theater. Results in just three weeks: 7.3 million people open ePidtrymka cards in banks; some 6.1 million - applications for payments in Diia; UAH 638 million - Ukrainians have already spent," Fedorov said.