G7 ambassadors waiting for Ukrainian authorities to quickly complete competitions to select SAPO head, new NABU director

G7 ambassadors expect Kyiv to quickly complete the competitive selection process for the position of the head of Ukraine's Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO), according to a message of G7 ambassadors published on Twitter on Saturday following a meeting of diplomats with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
"G7 Ambassadors were delighted to see President of Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky again to continue our productive dialogue. Ambassadors underlined their commitment to Ukraine’s security and discussed reform progress in Ukraine in 2021," G7 ambassadors said in the message.
During the meeting, diplomats welcomed "2021's historic judicial reform legislation & looked forward to its full implementation."
"They looked forward to further positive development in judicial reform in 2022, including a transparent, competitive process for new Constitutional Court judges," they said.
G7 representatives also hope for the successful work of anti-corruption agencies and the Security Service of Ukraine in the future.
"Ambassadors welcomed the NABU law & looked forward to the competitive selection of its new Director, & the swift conclusion of the SAPO selection process. They also encouraged progress in reform that delivers a transformed, modern SBU," they said.