Presence of antibodies is not reason for refusing vaccination - Health Ministry

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine said that the presence of antibodies is not a reason to refuse vaccination.
"Please note that the presence of antibodies to the coronavirus caused by COVID-19 indicates that a person has previously been in contact with the virus, but is not a sign of illness. The detection of antibodies does not guarantee immunity to all strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is not a reason for refusal to vaccinate," the message said.
The department said that it is not known what the level of antibodies is necessary for protection and how long they last.
It is noted that only the result of PCR testing remains the basis for establishing the diagnosis of COVID-19.
At the same time, the Ministry of Health said that none of the tests is mandatory before vaccination. First of all, we are talking about a test for the determination of antibodies.
According to the Ministry of Health, studies do not determine exactly how many antibodies a person should have in order not to get sick with COVID-19 again and not be hospitalized.
"A test for the presence of antibodies can only show their presence or absence, but it will in no way answer the question of whether a person will get sick again or how exactly he or she will get the coronavirus disease," the department said.