OSCE Special Rep in Ukraine, TCG notes deterioration of situation in Donbas

Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG), Ambassador Mikko Kinnunen, after the regular TCG meeting at the level of heads of delegations, announced the deterioration of the security situation in Donbas.
"The security situation along the contact line has further deteriorated. Since the last TCG meeting, SMM has reported 6,746 cease fire violations, including 1,451 explosions. During the last week of October, the Mission witnessed the highest number of cease-fire violations since July 2020," Kinnunen said in the statement on the OSCE website.
He also said the presence and use of weapons systems banned by joint commitments of the parties under the Minsk agreements raises concerns for risk of further escalation.
In addition, according to Kinnunen, the OSCE SMM has recently faced increasing difficulties in fulfilling its mandate in eastern Ukraine. In particular, during the last two weeks, the mission has encountered 37 freedom of movement impediments, two of which on government-controlled areas.