Batkivschyna starts organizing referendums on five issues, incl. sale of agricultural land

The Batkivschyna party starts organizing referendums on five issues, including the sale of agricultural land.
"Today we announce that we are starting to organize referendums on five issues. The first question is the most important – whether the Ukrainian people agree to sell agricultural land," Leader of the Batkivschyna faction Yulia Tymoshenko said at a press conference on Friday.
According to Tymoshenko, it is planned to put the question to the second referendum: "whether people agree today that all the strategic property of Ukraine was sold."
She recalled that currently 120 research institutes, research stations are put up for sale, "just like premises and pieces of land."
Tymoshenko said that the third question that Batkivschyna intends to bring up for a nationwide discussion is whether the Ukrainian society supports Ukrainian gas, which is the property of the Ukrainian people and is produced by a state-owned company, to be supplied to citizens of Ukraine at a price of 30% of the profit for household needs – "just at the price of production, at cost 'plus' 30% of the profit."
"The fourth question that we want to put to the referendum is whether people support the legalization of the gambling business," Tymoshenko said.
According to her, Batkivschyna also proposes to bring up to a referendum the issue of legalizing marijuana.