More than 11.25 mln Ukrainians travel abroad, 3.4 mln foreigners visit Ukraine in 2020 – Border Guard Service

Last year, despite the quarantine, more than 11.250 million Ukrainian citizens were able to get abroad, they traveled to 123 countries of the world.
According to the State Border Service of Ukraine, the most visited were three countries bordering on Ukraine: in the first place Poland about 4 million visitors, in the second Hungary with 1.635 million visitors and the third is the Russian Federation with 1 million Ukrainian visitors.
Last year's leaders included Turkey as well, which was visited by 965,000 Ukrainians and Egypt with 730,000 visitors.
Quite a large number of Ukrainians traveled to Romania more than 626,000, Belarus 496,000, Slovakia 336,000, Moldova 328,000, Germany 222,000 and the United Arab Emirates 100,000 people.
Austria has also become popular destination for Ukrainians, where 68,000 people traveled in 2020, Italy with almost 60,000 visitors, Spain with 53,500 visitors, Great Britain with 44,500 visitors, Bulgaria with 42,000 visitors, Israel with 41,000, Georgia with 33,600 visitors, Greece with 26,500 visitors, Denmark with 24,000 visitors, Qatar with about 20,000 visitors and the Dominican Republic with 14,500 visitors.
Some 23,000 Ukrainians visited Montenegro, 16,200 visited Croatia and 12,000 Ukrainians traveled to Albania.
Also, for the citizens of Ukraine, Lithuania was popular destination, which was visited by 33,000, Latvia by 19,500, and Finland by almost 10,000 citizens of Ukraine.
At the same time, in 2020, Ukraine was visited by almost 66.7% less foreigners, about 3.4 million people from 192 countries of the world.
Most of all, people came to Ukraine from border countries: citizens of Moldova accounted for 933,000, Belarus for 463,500, Russia for 390,000, Poland for 272,000, Romania for 229,000, and Hungary for 217,000. In addition, citizens of Turkey accounted for 149,000, Germany for 74,000, Israel for 57,000 and the United States for 42,000.
In addition, Ukraine was visited by 34,500 British citizens, about 30,000 citizens of Lithuania, 26,000 from Azerbaijan, more than 25,000 from Italy, 23,000 from India, 22,500 from Georgia, more than 22,000 from Bulgaria, and almost 21,000 from Serbia.
From such countries as the Czech Republic, Latvia, China, Egypt, Uzbekistan and Armenia, from 10,000 to 20,000 travelers visited Ukraine.
The overwhelming majority of foreigners were in Ukraine for private and tourist purposes, and 70,000 people traveled through our country in transit.