15:18 15.09.2020

Water supply to Crimea to be fully restored only after peninsula's full de-occupation – MFA

2 min read
Water supply to Crimea to be fully restored only after peninsula's full de-occupation – MFA

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine says that the water supply to Crimea from mainland Ukraine will be fully restored only after the complete de-occupation of the peninsula.

"We state the fact that under the pretext of 'humanitarian need' the Russian occupation authorities in Crimea do not have enough water to accelerate the development of military facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex. It is also obvious that the need for water resources is growing amid the colonization of the peninsula, a rapid population growth within the targeted policy of replacing the demographic composition of Crimea. Such actions of the occupying state are a war crime," the Foreign Ministry said.

The ministry said that the goal of the Russian Federation is to populate Ukrainian territories with Russian citizens who "are loyal to the expansive policy of their state and, thus, the implementation of the consolidation of the illegal occupation."

In addition, the commentary notes that crimes against humanity and war crimes are murders, enforced disappearances, torture, encroachment on human dignity, etc., committed against citizens of Ukraine in Russia-occupied Crimea.

Thus, all these crimes are the subject of criminal proceedings in Ukraine and are studied by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court within the preliminary study of the situation in Ukraine.

"Regarding the provision of water to the population of the temporarily occupied Crimea, then, as in the case of providing the temporarily occupied territory with other resources, food and medical materials, in accordance with the Convention for the Protection of Civilian Population in Time of War of August 12, 1949, this fully applies to obligations of the occupying state, the Russian Federation," the ministry said in the commentary.

In this regard, the Foreign Ministry said that any statements about an alleged violation of international law by Ukraine in connection with the cessation of water supply are insignificant from the point of view of international law and are aimed at "appointing the culprit" for the losses incurred by the Russian Federation due to illegal occupation of Crimea and the deployment of a large militarization of the peninsula, for which Russian taxpayers pay."