19:29 18.03.2020

Derkach and Dubinsky propose to ban foreigners from being members of the supervisory boards of Ukrainian state enterprises

4 min read
Derkach and Dubinsky propose to ban foreigners from being members of the supervisory boards of Ukrainian state enterprises

The bill, which proposes to ban foreigners from being members of the supervisory boards of state enterprises, as well as to limit the maximum monthly remuneration to their members, was drafted by the Members of the Parliament of Ukraine Andrii Derkach and Alexander Dubinsky.

Derkach reported about this on Facebook.

According to him, the bill proposes the provision, according to which, only citizens of Ukraine should be the members of supervisory boards of enterprises where the state owns more than 50% of the shares. They should have at least 10 years experience, education, qualifications and expertise in the relevant field.

The Member of the Parliament explained that, in addition to the ban on foreigners from being members of the supervisory boards of SE, the maximum monthly remuneration for members of supervisory boards is also set.

 “The maximum monthly remuneration for their services shall not exceed 50 minimum wages (today, with a minimum wage of UAH 2.102 thousand, this will be UAH 105.100 thousand). Such a measure will separate the “guest workers” from those who came to work for the state”, Derkach emphasized.

He also said that the bill provides a restriction on the participation of “professional public activists” and corrupt officials in the supervisory boards.

 “To ban professional public activists and parasites receiving funding from abroad for five years from being the members of the supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises. In the same way, the option to enter the supervisory boards of state banks will be closed to those who have been brought to criminal and administrative liability for corruption”, Derkach informed.

The Member of the Parliament noted that gender equality in the selection of members of supervisory boards is also stipulated in the new law.

 “Gender quotas of at least 40% of the seats of the supervisory board for the members of the same gender. I think our foreign partners will appreciate not the fake, but the real fight for gender equality and getting rid of external governance in the interests of Ukrainian citizens”, Derkach wrote.

As a problematic example, he cited the decision of Naftogaz of Ukraine’s Supervisory Board to renew the contract with the head of the company Kobolyev for another four years.

 “With the same Kobolyev, who gained wide fame thanks to his million salaries in hryvnias and multimillion-dollar bonuses”. Supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises are crammed with foreigners and professional public activists who do not act in the interests of Ukraine. Enterprises and companies are state-owned, but no one represents the owners (that is, us). So they do what they want”, Derkach said.

The Member of the Parliament noted that the formation of the supervisory board of the Naftogaz of Ukraine without taking into account the interests of the Ukrainian state, and with the inclusion of representatives of other countries, led to the creation of an organized group based on a state company that does not act in the interests of the country.

 “I have repeatedly described how the management of Naftogaz of Ukraine (Kobolyev-Favorov), under the guise of a supervisory board, organized a scheme for selling Russian gas to Ukrainians, passing it off as “European”. The main organizer of the scheme was Amos Hochstein fully accountable to US Democratic Party. For five years, Ukrainians overpaid almost $1.5 billion for allegedly European gas”, Derkach wrote.

According to him, the main participants in the scheme from the Ukrainian side were the representatives of the Ukrainian company Energy Resources of Ukraine (ERU) and, presumably, officials of Naftogaz; high-ranking US politicians were involved in the scheme on the US side.

“US Vice President Joe Biden, through his man Amos Hochstein, with the participation of oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, who is the provider of Soros’s interests in Ukraine, together with Naftogaz's management, organized schemes to take hundreds of millions of dollars from Naftogaz and UkrGasVydobuvannya. It is time to close this and other "reservations" - Derkach summed up.