ECHR decisions practically not implemented in Ukraine, we have to change this - Denisova

Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner Liudmyla Denisova and Pavlo Pushkar, the head of division at the Council of Europe department for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), have discussed the implementation of ECHR decisions by Ukraine.
Denisova said on Facebook that during a meeting in Strasbourg Pushkar had noted that Ukraine's reputation is at risk, since ECHR decisions are practically not implemented in Ukraine.
"Therefore we have to change this together. I reported that Ukraine had already created a "register" of citizens to whom the state owes funds on the decisions of foreign jurisdictional bodies. This first-come-first-served line removes the corruption component and makes it possible to track the prospects of reimbursement. Every year Ukraine increases funding for this direction, which reduces the debt to citizens," Denisova said.
She also said during the meeting the parties discussed the functioning of the national preventive mechanism.
"An effective instrument for identifying violations is a monitoring visit. We have a clear plan for holding them by the end of this year, but I regularly make unscheduled visits, which is more efficient. I know Ukraine needs to complete the reform of the penitentiary system as a whole. And now we direct our efforts towards prevention so that in future our citizens send fewer complaints to the ECHR," she noted.