Polish President Duda congratulates Ukrainian President Poroshenko, Ukrainians on Independence Day

President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda has congratulated President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and all Ukrainians on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of Independence.
"I want to assure you of respect for the Ukrainian nation, which is steadily building an Independent state and ready for the greatest sacrifice in the face of violations of international law and armed aggression by a neighbor. I would like to extend the continued support of the Republic of Poland for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. An expression of this is the initiatives taken in this area at the forum of the UN Security Council, the OSCE, the European Union and NATO," Duda's congratulatory letter reads, published on the presidential website on Friday morning.
The president of Poland noted the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine. "I declare further activities of Poland towards strengthening Ukraine's relations with the EU and NATO, as well as support in the implementation of ambitious domestic reforms that will bring Ukraine closer to the standards adopted by these organizations. Poland and Europe are interested in Ukraine being a modern state with a well-functioning economy that provides a high standard of living for its citizens," the statement reads.
Duda is convinced that partnership between the state institutions, systematically growing trade turnover, as well as dynamic development of people-to-people contacts facilitate further rapprochement between the societies of Poland and Ukraine.
"I hope to achieve positive results in the dialogue on the tragic pages of our common history as well. I am convinced that the strategic partnership between Poland and Ukraine should be based on the foundation of truth about the past and in the spirit of Christian values professed by both nations," the president of Poland noted.
Andrzej Duda wished welfare to Ukrainians.