13:48 14.12.2017

Ukraine implementing projects to turn Chornobyl exclusion zone into promising area

2 min read
Ukraine implementing projects to turn Chornobyl exclusion zone into promising area

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that work is continuing in the exclusion zone at Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant to prepare for putting into operation an industrial complex for receiving and processing solid radioactive waste accumulated during the plant's existence.

"Today we bow with deep respect to the cleanup workers of the accident at Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. We bow to the bright memory of the heroes who saved Ukrainian land and, without exaggeration, the whole world from the spread of the radiation threat," Poroshenko said in his address to the people on the occasion of Day of Honoring Chornobyl Cleanup Workers, which was posted on the website of the head of state on Thursday.

He noted that the Ukrainian side, together with foreign partners, was working to improve the new unique shelter facility at Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

"The reconstruction of all existing systems of the protective circuit and control of the facility, including ventilation and fire-fighting systems, was performed in extreme radiation conditions. The work is continuing to prepare for the commissioning of an industrial complex intended for receiving and processing solid radioactive waste accumulated during the existence of the plant," Poroshenko said.

He thanked donor countries, international organizations, "all those who are not indifferent," and who have helped over the past decades and are currently providing necessary support to Ukraine in eliminating the aftermath of the Chornobyl disaster.

"Step by step, we are jointly implementing a number of important security and environmental projects to ensure the transformation of the exclusion zone into a promising, useful area," the president said.

At the same time, he said, the state should direct efforts to address issues of medical and social security for Chornobyl cleanup workers.

"I am convinced that the key to solving Chornobyl-related problems will continue to be international solidarity and coordinated work for the sake of a safe future for future generations," Poroshenko said.