12:23 23.06.2017

Huzhva denies bribery charge, blames arrest on conflict between Lynko and Kyva

1 min read
Huzhva denies bribery charge, blames arrest on conflict between Lynko and Kyva
Kyiv-based Strana.ua ezine Editor-in-chief Ihor Huzhva has denied charges of involvement in bribery, saying his arrest is connected with Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine deputy Dmytro Lynko. Strana.ua reported that investigators seized Huzhva's mobile telephone. Huzvha later sent a text message from the phone of ex Justice Minister Olena Lukash. He denied the charges against him, saying that about a month ago people from Radical Party faction deputy Lynko offered him $20,000 to remove an article about a conflict between him and Ilya Kyva, an advisor to Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, from the Strana.ua website.