Ukraine carrying out unprecedented reforms

Ukraine has lately carried out unprecedented economic and political reforms, the European Union said in a report.
"Ukraine is carrying out intense and unprecedented reforms across its economy and political system, while its democratic institutions have been further revitalized," the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission said in a joint report published on Tuesday, which analyzes the implementation of the Association Agenda by Ukraine since January 1, 2015.
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commission Vice President Federica Mogherini mentioned great progress Ukraine has made on the way of reforms, the European Commission said in a press release available on its website.
"Ukraine has taken big steps in the last two years, under very difficult circumstances, not least the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. Today's report fully recognizes this work done by the Ukrainian authorities," Mogherini said in analyzing the report.
"It is now crucial to move from passing legislation and setting up institutions to full implementation of these reforms so that Ukrainian citizens can reap the benefits. Ukraine can count on the European Union's support moving forward," she said.
European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn pointed out that efforts made by Ukraine are producing results.
"Ukraine has taken important steps to address the key, systemic challenge of corruption both by limiting the scope for corruption in a number of areas, and strengthening the means to pursue wrongdoers. This work must continue, and bring real change to the way the country operates. Tackling corruption and creating a reliable judicial system are also key to transforming the business climate and rebuilding prosperity. The European Union will continue to support Ukraine in these efforts, both politically and financially," Hahn said.
The joint report analyzes important developments and reforms Ukraine has undertaken in line with the strategic priorities agreed upon with the EU as part of the Association Agenda.
The report points out that Ukraine "has implemented a number of reforms to curb corruption and to clean up the banking system, and has embarked on ambitious energy reforms, as well as strengthened democracy and the rule of law."
The document points out that, in some other areas, such as privatization of state owned enterprises as well as the social and health sector, "reforms have advanced more slowly."
In the section dealing with economic development, "the report underlines the benefits brought to the EU and Ukraine since the start of the provisional application of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) in January 2016."
"The report also notes that Ukraine successfully met all benchmarks under the Visa Liberalization Action Plan, which led to the European Commission's proposal to the Council and the European Parliament in April 2016 to lift visa obligations for Ukrainian citizens," it said.