Ukrainian president appoints MP Oleksiy Savchenko of Poroshenko Bloc as Mykolaiv regional governor

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has appointed MP Oleksiy Savchenko of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc as the head of Mykolaiv regional state administration for a probationary period of three months.
Corresponding presidential decree No. 435/2016 dated October 6, 2016 was published on the website of the president on Thursday.
By another decree No. 434/2016 dated October 6, Poroshenko freed Viacheslav Bon from the post of acting head of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration.
Savchenko won the tender for the position of head of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration in mid-September.
Savchenko, born 1977, is deputy head of the parliamentary committee on budget issues. He is a member of the parliamentary group for relations with the parliaments of Belarus, Cyprus, Norway, and Slovakia.
On June 29, Poroshenko dismissed Vadym Merikov as head of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration in response to a relevant request from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.