Acting Health Minister given free hand to form own team

Acting Health Minister Uliana Suprun has been given a free hand to form her own management team at the ministry, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko said at a press conference in Kyiv on Monday, while introducing the new minister to journalists.
"Uliana Suprun has been given a free hand to form her own team at the Health Ministry. She'll introduce the team members soon," he said.
Suprun in turn said: "The Health Ministry should become a team of people who think the same way."
"The Health Ministry shouldn't be a ministry of doctors or a ministry of patients. It should be a health care ministry," she added.
According to Rozenko, the Health Ministry has recently been facing "an uneasy situation as no heath minister was appointed when a new Cabinet of Ministers was formed, and deputy health ministers resigned."
In his words, Suprun is "well aware of how health care systems function in the world and what problems Ukraine's health care system faces."
The Health Ministry will have to conduct a number of reforms, in particular, the development of primary health care, the introduction of hospital districts, the transition to a new health financing system and improvement of emergency medical services. All in all, the ministry should work to amend 25 legislative acts, he added.
As was reported, the Cabinet issued resolution No. 550 dated July 27, 2016, to appoint Suprun, who was deputy health minister, as acting health minister from August 1.